A downloadable game

This is an open beta, I am in desperate need of feedback! Story:

Zuex is a very young man who got separated by the great orc who invaded the world and summoned creatures upon it. One of the creatures summoned apon him was a giant Kobble Cobra Named Snake King who blocked the path out of Zarlin Access Point. It's up to Zuex to destroy the Snake King and free the people stuck in Zarlin Access Points!

Spoilers (After Demo):

After Zuex frees the access point, it comes to find out that the powerscale between him and the enemies is extremely differed and there are more than 1 Kobble Cobra existing, Believe it or not, But the  Kobble Cobra is considered easy compared to the rest that Zuex would have to overcome, but with his sidekick on his side, things can get (Not very much) easier and zuex can defeat the Orc King and his 6 minions!


Zuex Of Zarlin Demo.zip 1.3 MB

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